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1. Sensing Characteristics and Working Mechanism of Four-Probe Type Solid-State Hydrogen Sensor Using Proton Conductor. J. Electrochemical Soc., 136(7), 1216-1219 (1989). 

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4. WO3系半導体素子によるNOx検知機構. 触媒,35(2), 118 (1993).  

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9. Sensing Characteristics of ISFET-Based Hydrogen Sensor Using Proton Conductor Thick Film. Sensors and Actuators B, 24-25, 499-503 (1995). 

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11. Improvement of CO Selectivity of Amperometric Proton-Conductor Thick-Film Sensor by Using Pt-Loaded Oxide Electrode Catalysts. DENKI KAGAKU, 64(12), 1316-1318 (1996). 

12. Mechanism of Nitrogen Oxide Generation on Actual Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion (PFB). 石炭科学会議発表論文集, 34, 279-282 (1997).  

13. PFBC emission behaviors and its calculated concentration. 石炭科学会議発表論文集, 35, 323-326 (1998). 

14. Behavior and Estimation of Nitrogen Oxide Emission in 71 MWe PFBC Boiler. 日本エネルギー学会誌,78(3), 191-200 (1999).  

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16. SO2 Emission Behavior of Small PFBC Test Equipment. 日本エネルギー学会誌,78(11), 921-928 (1999).  

17. 高温精密脱塵用セラミックチューブフィルター(CTF)の圧損低減・安定化対策. 日本エネルギー学会誌,78(12), 988-999 (1999). 

18. Emission of SO2 and Desulfurization Mechanism in 71 MWe PFBC Demonstration Plant. 日本エネルギー学会誌,79(1), 57-68 (2000). 

19. 71MWePFBCの運転時に発生する排出ガス成分間の総合作用. 日本エネルギー学会誌,79(8), 827-839 (2000). 

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21. 実機PFBCにおける窒素酸化物の間接検知. 電気学会論文誌E, 120(12),593-599 (2000). 

22. Structure of Fly Ash Trapped on the Ceramic Filter of PFBC. 石炭科学会議発表論文集, 37, 125-128 (2000). 

23. Morphology and Reactivity of Bed Materials in PFBC Boiler at Different Loads. 石炭科学会議発表論文集, 38, 207-210 (2001). 

24. Thermal Behaviors of Fine Ashes Produced through Low Temperature Coal Ashing. 石炭科学会議発表論文集, 38, 211-214 (2001).  

25. Problem in PFBC boiler (1): Characterization of agglomerate recovered in commercial PFBC boiler. FUEL, 81, 1445-1451(2002). 

26. 地熱発電用ミストセパレータにおける流動特性と液滴捕集効率の検討. 化学工学論文集, 30(2), 200-205 (2004). 

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28. Development of the Utilization and Recycling Method of Biomass Resources Research on the Low-Temperature Decomposition Method of the Woody Waste using Catalyst. 福岡県工業技術センター研究報告2005, 15, 31-35 (2005). 

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33.  Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Effect of Coal Rank on Burn-off Time in Pulverized Coal Combustion. Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences, 5, 23-27 (2012). 

34. Comparative Studies on the Combustion Kinetics of Chars Prepared from Brown and Bituminous Coals under Air (O2/N2) and Oxy-fuel (O2/CO2) Conditions. Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences, 6, 29-35 (2012). 

35. Fluidized bed drying of Loy Yang brown coal with variation of temperature, relative humidity, fluidization velocity and formulation of its drying rate. FUEL, 105, 415–424 (2013). 

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37. 次世代低温ガス化:カギとなる熱化学現象、反応再編成および反応器構成の考察(Consideration of Thermochemical Reaction Its Rearrangement and Reactor Configuration in Low Temperature Gasification of Carbon Resources). Journal of the Institute of Energy. 93, 608-616 (2014). 

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39. Anomaly Detection for an Elderly Person Watching System using Multiple Power Consumption Models. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2017), pages 669-675ISBN: 978-989-758-222-6 

40.「再生可能エネルギーの大量導入により予測される問題点」(Possible Hurdles Foreseen by a Large-scale Introduction of Renewable Energies)、日本エネルギー学会誌 98巻1号 9~16(2019) 


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